I was recently in Madison Wi. at a outreach with Advance K Ministries. The outreach was a college block party called Mifflin Street Block party. Below you will fine a article in the local news paper. We had so much fun seeing the power of God demonstrated on the streets.
Salvation and Healing at the Mifflin Street Block Party
MONDAY, 02 MAY 2011 19:57
City officials, reviewing last Saturday’s Mifflin Street Block Party, tallied two stabbings, three injured police officers, and 160 arrests. But Steve Springer, senior leader of Advance K Ministries, saw miracles of healing and salvation take place.
Advance K Ministries has established an outpost called The Furnace in a former laundromat at the corner of Mifflin and Beford Streets. This was their third block party, and the best yet in terms of ministry.
“What an opportunity for the church,” Steve said. “A lot of people turn to drinking because of pain,” said his wife Rene. “They really need to hear a message of hope.”
Throughout the day Saturday 110 volunteers from a number of area churches offered that message of hope through music, dancing, hospitality, face painting, prayer, and other forms of ministry.
Treasure in Miffland
One of the ministry tools was an ice breaker called Treasure Hunt. Volunteers were given assignments with various characteristics such as red shirt, sun glasses, etc. When a volunteer found someone with those characteristics they were able to start a conversation with them.
“We tell them, ‘we just want you to know that Jesus loves you,’” Steve said. “The walls come down immediately and the conversation starts. Each person is then given a card that tells them ‘You are a treasure.’”
At the face painting station the volunteers were also offering “destiny words.” Rene explained, “They were letting people know God’s love for them.”
Searching for Something
College students are typically in the discovery process, trying to figure out who they are. Those who encountered the Furnace volunteers at the Mifflin Street Block Party heard a message they may not have heard before, offered with a lot of love and kindness.
“If Jesus were alive today he would be at Mifflin Street,” Rene said. “We brought God’s kingdom into where it was needed. When we as a church take risks, God is showing up.”
“They don’t know what they are starving and thirsty for,” Rene added. Many who stopped by the Furnace said they felt a peacefulness inside. “We tell them, ‘you can have that peace all of the time.’”
Two years ago a young lady named Toni found that peace through the witness of Furnace volunteers. “She has been with us ever since,” Rene said. “Every time the doors are open, she is there.”
The End May Be Near
City officials are talking about taking action to try and bring some order to the block party, and maybe even attempt to prevent it next year. Newly elected mayor Paul Soglin held a news conference and said, “It needs to be addressed throughout the community that happiness is not found at the bottom of an empty bottle of wine or a beer can.”
The Furnace addressed that at the Mifflin Street Block Party. Some people got the message and found eternal life instead.